
Required Information

Password (Letters and numbers only. No spaces, symbols or punctuation):
First Name:
Middle Name or Initial (if applicable):
Last Name:
Credentials/Certifications (RN, MD, RD, IBCLC, CNM, etc.):
Full Name for Certificate without credentials (e.g. Margaret Jane Smith):
(After the initial entry, the full name for certificate cannot be changed on line.
Send a message to with the desired change and the reason for the change.)
How did you find us?:

Additional Information will be needed for
Seminar and Continuing Education Purposes*
Please enter those fields after creating your record.
(Click the Edit Account Information on the My Account page.

Your free samples and file links should appear
on your My Account page within 5 minutes.
Click on the My Account button to refresh the page.

Position (LC, Staff Nurse, Manager, LLL Leader, etc.):
Name for Seminar Nametag (e.g. Peggy Smith):
Home Address - Street:
Home Address - City:
Home Address - State/Province:
Home Address - ZIP/Postal Code:
Home Address - Country (if not US):
Home Phone Number:
Work Phone Number:
Mobile Phone Number:
Creation Flag:

*Breastfeeding Outlook does not sell or trade user information for any reason.
We do, however, release information to the appropriate certifying agencies for reporting purposes.

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