Practice Lactation Exam A $69.00 Practice Makes Perfect! 175-question, electronic practice exam for the IBLCE Exam. You will have access to the online materials for one year from the date of purchase.
Practice Lactation Exam B $59.00 Practice Makes Perfect! 175-question, electronic practice exam for the IBLCE Exam. You will have access to the online materials for one year from the date of purchase.
Practice Lactation Exam C $69.00 Practice Makes Perfect! 175-question, electronic practice exam for the IBLCE Exam. You will have access to the online materials for one year from the date of purchase.
Practice Lactation Exams A & B $99.00 Practice Makes Perfect! Includes both 175-question, electronic Practice Exams (A & B).
You will have access to the online materials for one year from the date of purchase.
Practice Lactation Exams A & C $119.00 Practice Makes Perfect! Includes both of our 175-question, electronic Practice Exams (A & C).
You will have access to the online materials for one year from the date of purchase.
Practice Lactation Exams A, B & C $149.00 Practice Makes Perfect! Includes all three of our 175-question, electronic Practice Exams (A, B & C).
You will have access to the online materials in this program for one year from the date of purchase.