Perinatal Care Core Measures Online Learning Programs
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Best Practices for Breastfeeding Management: A Course on Achieving Baby-Friendly Designation and Meeting Perinatal Care Core Measures for Hospital Staff Whether your hospital is going Baby-Friendly, or not, these online training programs will teach you how to improve breastfeeding rates among your patients and clients.
Want to try before you buy? Try our sample program offered below.
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15.2 CERPs and 15.2 contact hours
Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative Session 01: Global Strategy $21.00 Relate the World Health Organization's Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding and other international and domestic healthcare efforts to your local healthcare problems, policies, and practices.
Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative Session 06: Helping with a Breastfeeding $32.00 Develop targeted assessment techniques and simple corrective strategies to assist the mother-baby couplet to independently achieve optimal latch and milk transfer in the first few days of life, even in situations where anatomical or behavioral issues impede optimal milk transfer.
Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative Session 14: Protecting Breastfeeding $32.00 Recognize the role of healthcare providers in complying with the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes as a major evidence-based, ethical strategy for improving breastfeeding initiation, and continuation in the United States and other developed countries.